The Pertronic 24 V, 12 A Supervised PSU incorporate switch mode power supply modules with voltage supervision and automatic battery test facilities. The 12 Amp AUX24/12PSU has a 24/12ASWMPS-MK2 PSU. Auxiliary power supply systems are supplied without batteries.
Mains-operated 24 Volt (nominal) DC power supply
Temperature compensated battery charging for longer battery life
Automatic battery backup
Provision for two 12 Volt Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA) batteries
Momentary operation of internal Reset button resets the 24-hour timer
Prolonged (> 3 seconds) operation of internal Reset button starts the Automatic battery test
The auxiliary power supply systems include:
- External panel indicators: MAINS present, Auto Test, Battery Fault
- Lockable front door
Pertronic Power Supplies have been designed and tested to NZS 4512꞉2010