Up to 160 F220 fire panels per network
Less than 3-second response time
Dual fiber-optic and/or copper cabling
Supports multiple network control units
Native Modbus/TCP interface
Direct interface with Pertronic FireMap®
ASCII text (printer/pager) interface
Single point programming
Fault-tolerant bi-directional ring architecture
The Pertronic F220 Net2 Network connects multiple fire panels, Net2 Network Full Function Annunciators, FireMap Interfaces, Modbus Interfaces, and Text Interfaces into a single fault-tolerant system.
On a Pertronic F220 Net2 Network:
An F220 Net2 Network may include up to 160 Net2 Network Cards (“nodes”). Each network card may connect with up to eight Net2 Network Full Function Annunciators.
A Pertronic Net2 Network Card may be configured to interface one of the following to the network:
A network may include multiple Modbus, FireMap, and/or text nodes.
Adaptive messaging in the F220 Net2 Network prioritizes alarms and important control signals to ensure rapid transmission even under extreme network load situations.