The Pertronic Extinguishing Agent Release Controller (AGENTRELEASEC) is designed for installation in a fire indicator panel (FIP), which may be a Pertronic F220© or a third-party panel.
Multiple Extinguishing Agent Release Controllers may be fitted in a single panel. Each controller requires at least one Pertronic Agent Control Station (ACS), which is mounted adjacent to the controller.
The controller provides automatic and manual operating modes.
In automatic mode, two independent alarm signals from the FIP are required to activate the agent release process (“double-knock”). One alarm signal initiates Stage 1 activation. A second alarm signal starts Stage 2 activation: The agent release process begins when both alarm inputs are active.
Manual Activation is initiated by manually activating a release device (Manual call point with break glass and lift flap) on the FIP or any connected control station.
Automatic Stage 2 Activation, or Manual Activation, starts the agent release delay timer. Time to Discharge indicators on connected control stations and remote audio-visual signs show the time in seconds until the controller triggers the release of the extinguishing agent. The agent release delay timer may be paused by activation of a lock-off valve, or by an interlock activation (such as a connected door or vent switch). Extinguishing agent release may be aborted by pressing the Auto Release Disabled button on any connected control station. Pressing the Auto Release Disabled button at any time disables automatic operation of the controller.
Product Code