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Text Interface Nurse Call / Pager / Printer


SPIB Text Interface

The Pertronic Text Interface (SPIB-NCPP) exports selected fire system events as serial text, suitable for printers, paging systems, nurse-call paging systems, or other text-based systems.

The interface connects to the RS-485 Mimic Bus of any Pertronic analogue addressable fire panel. It examines fire panel event data and converts selected event types into text. Any event that appears on the fire panel LCD display can be converted into text.

The output message format is defined using a template. The template specifies the format of event messages, and is readily customised using a personal computer.

Special escape codes act as place-holders for event-specific information such as the event type or event source. This information can be formatted to suit the requirements of the target system, whether it recognises free-format, fixed-width or character-delimited text.

The template can include literal text. This includes ASCII formatting characters such as tabs, form feeds, and carriage returns.

The output is transmitted via RS-232 or RS-485. The data rate is configurable from 300 bit/s to 230.4 kbit/s.

The Pertronic Text Interface can be mounted inside a fire panel, or at a remote location.

A galvanic isolation system in the interface isolates the fire alarm control panel’s RS-485 Mimic Bus from all other connections to the interface.


  • Recommended for stand-alone Pertronic F220 and F100A fire alarm control panels
  • Provides all data accessible via the fire alarm control panel’s LCD display
  • Configurable using a PC running a terminal emulation program via the USB port
  • Configurable options include
    » RS-232 or RS-485 serial output
    » Data rate: 300 bit/s to 230,400 bit/s
    » Heartbeat output if no other messages are generated in a specified time
    » Output throttling specifies a minimum time between output messages
    » Large range of time and date formats
  • Versatile formatting capabilities allow the text output to be tailored for a large range of external systems
  • Powered from the RS-485 Mimic Bus
  • Electrically isolated from the fire alarm control panel’s RS-485 Mimic Bus
  • Optional supervision of the connection and communication between the Text Interface and the alarm control panel using mimic emulation
  • On-board LEDs provide diagnostic information
  • Also compatible with the F120A fire panel RS-485 mimic bus

Ordering Information

Product Code


Product Code: SPIB-NCPP
Description: Text (Nurse Call, Printer, Pager) Interface for Stand-Alone Fire Panels