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Mass Notification System

The Pertronic Mass Notification System provides clear, unambiguous instructions to notify facility occupants of urgent or emergency situations, including building evacuation. 

Up to four pre-recorded messages can be stored in the Mass Notification System (MNS). Messages are tailored to the specific needs of each project. Typical messages might include a Stay Put message, which tells occupants to stay where they are and wait for instructions; and an Evacuate message that tells them to collect their belongings and leave the building. It is easy to add new messages or replace existing ones. 

The optional microphone allows facility managers to use the system to keep occupants informed during an emergency situation. 

Facility management staff are able to control the MNS from anywhere with cell-phone coverage, either by text message or smartphone app. Notification messages can also be started or stopped using the message switch unit. 

A manual over-ride key switch allows facility managers to inhibit MNS messages. This switch does not inhibit fire alarm messages. 

The Mass Notification System drives a monitored 100 Volt line system with speakers throughout the facility. The MNS can link into the facility’s fire alarm system. If the fire alarm goes off it will broadcast standard fire alarm evacuation messages.


  • May be activated onsite or from remote locations
  • Remote activation by SMS (text message) or smart phone app
  • On site activation from the message switch unit
  • Up to four pre-recorded messages
  • Factory-supplied messages carefully tailored to maximise clarity and intelligibility
  • MNS system messages are easily changed
  • Messages can be as long as necessary. (Up to 100 minutes @ 128 kbit/s, 44 kHz with std 1 GB SD card. Larger SD cards can be used.)
  • Text message identifiers (up to 20 characters)
  • Broadcasts fire alarm messages if commanded by the fire alarm system
  • Fire alarm messages take precedence over MNS messages
  • Front panel indicators: POWER, MANUAL OVERRIDE, SYSTEM FAULT, BATTERY LOW Manual over-ride switch allows facility managers to inhibit MNS messages
  • Optional microphone for real-time announcements 
  • 100 Volt rms line audio distribution
  • Automatic monitoring for audio line faults
  • Battery power supply back-up with automatic fault monitoring
  • Designed to satisfy the relevant requirements of NZS 4512