Pertronic Fan Controllers are used in Pertronic F100A, F120A and F220 analogue addressable fire alarm systems to monitor and control the fans used for clean air and smoke exhaust systems within buildings.
The fan controller has been designed to comply with AS 1670.1-compliant. It is used to control a particular fan through a building services interface.
The Pertronic Fan Controller consists of two principal modules and two optional modules:
The fan control unit is normally mounted at the fire alarm panel. It incorporates a mode switch (RUN, AUTO, and STOP), fan state indicator LEDs, and the timing and control functions required. The fan control unit may be operated in latching or non-latching modes (jumper selectable on the unit).
The fan control relay is usually located near the fan at the building services interface. It is commanded by the fan control unit to start and stop the fan. The fan control relay also reports whether the fan is running or has a fault condition back to the fan control unit.
The fan control relay has a built-in AA loop isolator.
The isolate/reset unit is an optional module used to isolate groups of fan controllers and reset latched states in fan controllers selected for latching operation. The isolate/reset unit may also be used to initiate a lamp test for the group of controllers connected to it. An off -normal fan control switch interlock input to the panel is also provided.
The fan control key-switch is an optional key-switch module used to isolate/enable the switches on the fan control unit. The fan control key-switch does not influence the operation of the fans, but prevents tampering with the fan control unit and fan isolate / reset unit.
The control units and the Fan Control Relay are linked together by the analogue addressable loop. These modules must be on the same loop and use successive addresses.