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F100A LCD Mimic

The Pertronic F100A LCD Mimic allows remote display of messages from a F100A panel. The Pertronic F100A LCD Mimic can perform all the keyboard-display functions of the F100A panel. Up to 8 addressable F100A LCD Mimics may be connected to a F100A panel and operate in ‘Full Duplex’ mode. More F100A LCD Mimics may be connected in ‘Slave Mode’ - system messages are displayed but no command interaction is available, except for silencing the in-built buzzer.


  • 2 line, 40 character, alpha-numeric LCD display
  • Backlit LCD Display in ‘Alarm’ and ‘Defect’ Condition
  • Three LEDs to indicate ‘Fire’, ‘Defect’ and ‘Normal’ status
  • Local buzzer with extension buzzer output
  • Low Power consumption