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Fibre Converter for NET2CARD

Pertronic Net2 Fibre Optic Converters (FIBNET) provide dual fibreoptic network ports for the Pertronic Net2 Network Card (NET2CARD).

Each duplex fibre-optic converter module connects one end of a fibre-optic link segment to the network card. The converter provides two connectors (“RX” and “TX”) for terminating the link segment’s dual fibre-optic cables.

Converters are available for multi-mode and single-mode fibre, and are made with type ST (bayonet) or SC (push-in) connectors.

The Net2 Network Card accommodates any mix of fibre-optic converters and / or RS-485 copper connections. The card has two network ports: “NET IN”, and “NET OUT”. Each port may be configured as either: Copper (without fibre converter), Multi-mode fibre-optic (with FIBNET-MMF or FIBNET-MMF-SC), or Single-mode fibre-optic (with FIBNET-SMF or FIBNET-SMF-SC). Please note that both ends of each link segment must have terminations appropriate to the cable type.