The Pertronic Network System can connect up to 99 nodes using the two-wire RS485 data communication loop. Each node may have a Pertronic F100A, F120A fire alarm control panel, network control unit, network display unit, mini mimic, or FireMap connection. The network is fault tolerant so that a single break or short-circuit anywhere in the communication loop will not compromise the operation of the system. A computer may be connected to any of the network cards to configure and program the network.
Panel-to-Panel Mapping:
A device at one panel may be mapped as a network input to one or more of the other panels for ‘Alarm’ indication or to activate system relays or other mappable outputs. For example, a detector on Panel 3 can be mapped to Panel 5 to activate the evacuation sounders and, for example, Relay 23 on Loop 2.
Up to 64 network inputs may be used for F100A fire alarm control panels, and up to 128 network inputs for F120A fire alarm control panels.
Network Card may be supplied with either “Panel” or “Supervisory” firmware.
Network Card (NETCARD): with “Panel” firmware may be configured as either:
- Panel Network card: Interfaces the system information from individual Fire Panels to the network.
- Network LED mimic card: Drives up to 8 LED display mimics using either 12-Way smart LED mimic or LED address controller (LAC) boards.
- Up to 128 LEDs may be displayed.
- The ‘BCO’ and ‘Evacuation’ key-switches at the 12-Way LED mimic or LAC boards operate globally around the network.
- The global system LEDs operate normally to reflect the network status
Network Card – NCU (NETCD-NCU): with “Supervisory” firmware:
- Can connect to 1 x network control unit (NCU), up to 8 x network display units (NDU), 1 x FireMap connection or 1 x pager system.
Network Display Unit (NDU):
- Displays all alarms, network inputs and pre-alarms by device descriptor and panel location (Alarm, Network and Pre-Alarm queues)
- Allows ‘Reset’ and ‘Isolation’ of alarms and network inputs from the relevant queue.
- Isolate queue: indicates all devices that have been isolated across the network.
- Network Fault queue: indicates fault conditions specific to the network.
- Panel Fault queue: indicates the panels, which have fault conditions and the number of faults.
- System Event queue: displays system events eg. ‘Silence Alarms’, ‘Evacuate’, etc. for each panel.
Network Control Unit (NCU):
- Includes all of the functions of the NDU plus the ability to select any panel on the network and control its functions directly.
- All menu items of the selected panel may be accessed – status, history log, etc.
- Queue events may be configured as outputs to a paging system or network printer