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Rate of Rise Heat

Model 5251RBPI is an AS 7240.5:2018 Class A2R point-type rate of rise heat detector.

These analogue addressable point-type heat detectors are available in two types: fixed (static) alarm threshold; or rate-of-rise (ROR) alarm threshold. There are indoor and weatherproof variants of each type.

Both rate-of-rise and fixed (static) threshold types measure the temperature in their surroundings, and continually report this temperature measurement to the fire panel. The panel will initiate an alarm condition if the temperature measurement goes above the alarm threshold, which is defined in the panel configuration.

Rate-of-rise heat detectors also signal an alarm condition to the panel if the temperature increases rapidly. The rate of rise alarm is pre-configured in the detector. The fire panel will automatically initiate an alarm condition if it receives a rate-of-rise alarm from the detector.

Heat detector addresses are easily configured during installation, allowing the fire panel to identify the exact location of the source of an alarm.

The fire panel may be configured to briefly light up the LEDs (“blink”) when each detector is polled.


  • Low standby current
  • Analogue addressable communication
  • Temperature threshold configurable in fire panel
  • Rotary decade address switches, 1 to 159
  • 159 detectors per loop (panel dependent)
  • Dual red indicating LEDs for 360° visibility
  • Remote indicator LED accessory
  • Compatible with System Sensor bases including B501AUS and B501AP series
  • Independently tested and ActivFire listed to AS 7240.5:2018. Certificates afp-3385 (5251BPI types) and afp-3386 (5251RBPI types)
  • Meet the requirements of NZS 4512:2021 s. 2.16.1

Ordering Information

Product Code


Product Code: 5251RBPI-IV
Description: AA ROR Thermal Detector, Type "A" & "C" - Ivory
Product Code: 5251RBPI-W
Description: AA ROR Thermal Analogue Sensor - Type "A" & "C" - White