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Analogue Addressable Loop Relay

The Pertronic Analogue Addressable Loop Relay provides four individually addressable output channels, controlled over an analogue addressable circuit (loop) by a Pertronic fire panel such as the Pertronic F220 or F100A.

Each output channel provides:

  • A switched, supervised output providing 24 volts dc when activated, and
  • A voltage-free relay contact

On each output channel, the supervised output and the voltage-free contact are activated simultaneously.

The supervised 24 volt dc output may be powered from the analogue addressable loop or from an external power supply. The load circuit connected to this output is supervised for short-circuit and open-circuit wiring faults.

The voltage-free relay contacts may be individually configured as normally open or normally closed.

The loop relay has two configurable output settings. When configured for “steady-only” operation, each active output stays on until de-activated by the fire panel. With pulsing enabled, the fire panel can activate each individual output in steady or pulsing mode (3.5 sec on, 12.5 sec off).

The loop relay has a built-in isolator. If the loop relay detects a short-circuit in the signalling circuit (loop) cable, the isolator disconnects the shorted segment. This ensures that the loop relay continues to communicate with the fire panel over the undamaged side of the loop circuit.

A single short-circuit or open-circuit fault will not prevent correct operation of the loop relay.


  • Analogue addressable control module with four individually addressable output channels
  • Each output channel provides:
    • One voltage-free relay contact, configurable as normally open or normally closed, and
    • One switched supervised output providing 24 volt dc at up to 100 mA (loop powered) or 1 amp (externally powered)
  • Solenoid interface available for supervising external cabling to solenoids and similar loads
  • Up to 24 AA Loop Relays (a total of 96 outputs) may be connected to a Pertronic analogue addressable loop, subject to availability of power
  • The loop relay may be powered from the analogue addressable signalling line circuit (loop) or from an external isolated power supply
  • The integral short circuit isolator maintains normal operation with a single break or short-circuit in the analogue addressable loop
  • The loop address is programmed with direct-dial decade address switches
  • The loop relay is able to report the following fault types to the fire panel:
    • Isolator activation
    • Loss of external power supply
    • An open circuit on the PS Fault input
    • A short circuit or open circuit on any of the four supervised outputs, when that output channel is inactive
  • Configurable output modes:
    • All outputs steady (continuous) activation only
    • Each output may be steady or pulsing (on-off)
  • The loop relay uses four loop addresses when configured in steady mode, or eight loop addresses when pulsing mode is enabled
  • The loop relay is an optional component of Pertronic analogue addressable fire panels
  • The loop relay may be mounted remote from the fire panel. For this purpose the Pertronic AALRESC enclosure accommodates two loop relay modules
  • FPANZ listing number PI/634

Ordering Information

Product Code


Product Code: AALREL
Description: AA Loop Relay - 4 Relay