Discontinued product.
Pertronic Analogue Addressable Fire Indicator Panel’s Warning System Control Unit can manually control evacuation warning systems. The units are normally mounted on standard Pertronic Control Plates.
The Warning System Control Unit provides manual Public Address (PA), manual Alert (ALERT), manual Evacuation (EVAC), and manual Isolate (ISOL) functions, when used with a 50 W EVAC50W24V-A Evacuation Amplifier and / or Evac Generator EVACGEN-EA (with EVAC120W24V or EVAC250W24V) amplifiers.
The Warning System Control Unit in conjunction with the Evac Zone Select units and Audio Distribution Module provides the user the ability to select different audio functions and distribute the audio to the selected zone.
Useful for testing the BOWS, or manual activation of individual zone with PA, Alert or Evac tones.
The Evacuation Zone Select Slave Unit is an expansion module for a system using a WARNSYSCON, EVACZONESELM and more than one ADM-4.
The Warning System Control, Evac Zone Select Master Unit and Slave Units are fully compatible with Pertronic Analogue Addressable Fire Alarm Systems F220, F120A and F100A
Product Code