Discontinued Products
An addressable Manual Call Point which has been replaced by the MCP5A-RP02SF-K013-01.
A loop responder which provides a conventional detector circuit interface to the Pertronic F100A and F120A Analogue Addressable Automatic fire alarm systems.
Designed primarily for emergency evacuation systems, and compatible with EWIS control systems, utilising line-monitoring circuitry. Ideal for car parks, plants rooms, industrial plants and public transport centres.
A supplementary audible-visual alarm device with a white xenon flash tube and lens/reflector system, a range of temporal and non-temporal tone and two volume settings along with two brightness settings.
A modular, expandable, intelligent fire alarm control panel, capable of monitoring more than 5000 addressable devices. The F120A does not comply with the current Australian fire standard AS 7240.2. It has been replaced by the F220.
A combined dual source (blue LED and infrared laser) optical smoke detector which continuously draws air from the controlled environment through a sampling pipe.
Provides class A, B or C smoke detection, and a three-stage filtering and particle rejection system which ensure high sensitivity to smoke with excellent immunity to nuisance particles.
Detector which can be connected to an analogue addressable loop for direct communication with a fire alarm panel.
A dual-source sensing system employs advanced software to combine signals from a blue LED and infrared laser for maximum smoke sensitivity while rejecting nuisance particle signals.
High sensitivity detector, which in Acclimate mode automatically adjusts thresholds to current environmental conditions.
A flush or surface mount in-ceiling speaker for industrial and commercial applications. Not suitable where exposure to moisture, extreme humidity, severe vibration, dust, smoke, static electricity or steam is expected.
A sounder base which generates the evacuation tone as specified by AS2220, which can also be used to generate an Alert signal from the connected detector remote LED output.
F120AMAUS Mimic
Allows the remote display of messages from a F120A fire panel, and can perform all the keyboard-display functions of the panel. The F120 has been replaced by the F220.
Dual channel, dual detector serving a wide variety of Class C applications where maintenance is difficult, other smoke detection methods are inappropriate or prone to fail due to harsh conditions. Replaced by the FL2022EI-HS.
Single channel, single detector, serving a wide variety of Class C applications. Has been replaced by the FL0111E-HS.
Single channel, dual detector model for "double knock" applications, serving a wide variety of Class C applications. Has been replaced by the FL0112E-HS.
Dual channel, dual detector for dual zones. Features high sensitivity laser fire detection, ultrasonic flow sensors and internal design features to protect vulnerable components from environmental and human threats. Has been replaced by the FLO122E-HS.
100mm 5 W ceiling speaker designed for general paging and EWIS (fire and evacuation) installations for both paging and emergency tones. Excellent speech intelligibility.
GPIB for F100A
Allows the status of an analogue addressable panel (F100A, F120A and F220) to be monitored or transmitted to a variety of devices provided by independent suppliers. Has been replaced by the SPIB-NCPP.
Interface Case
An ABS instrument case, with connectors, for Pertronic general purpose interface units. 40mm x 225mm x 165 mm excluding connectors.
A 88mm in-ceiling speaker, with multiple power taps of 0.33W, 0.66W, 1.25W and 3W for different applications, depending on room size and ambient noise conditions such as hotels, schools, offices, hospitals and factories.
Allows a single F120A panel and network card to communicate with up to five panel cards, and provides greater capability. The F220 network system (and Net@ Network System) have replaced the F120A
Mounted on a dedicated 3U 19" rackplate to give a hardcopy printout of events directly from the F120A control panel.
Complements the PS range of Pertronic-manufactured sounders by providing a visual alarm. Normally connected to the monitored bell or sounder output of a fire alarm panel.
Auxillary power supply systems which incorporate switchable mode modules with voltage monitoring and automatic battery test facilities.
An auxilliary power supply incorporating switchable mode power supply modules with voltage monitoring and automatic battery test facilities.
Allows remote display of messages from a Pertronic analogue addressable panel network of F100 and/or F120 control panels. Allows full and direct control and interrogation of any network individual panel. For F220 panels, use the NET2-NCUA.
PSDRP-240-24 / PSDR-120-24
The PSDRP-240-24 has been replaced by the PSNDR-240-24, the PSDR-120-24 by the PS-S8VK-S12024 and the PSDR-4524 by the PSHDR-60-24.
Card which can connect up to 99 nodes, and may have a Pertronic F100A and F120A fire alarm control panel, network control unit, network display unit, mini mimic or FireMap connection. For F220 networks, use the NET2CARD.
A 27.4 V, 3 A continuous, 4 A peak, current limited switch-mode power supply. Module does not have an in-built fault relay. This has been replaced by the 24/4PSU.
Light weight, quick and easy to install ceiling speaker, with good quality music reproduction and excellent speech intelligibility.
Hi efficiency 100 V line speaker for emergency warning systems. Screwdriver adjustable power taps facilitate sound level adjustment for area coverage and ambient noise levels.
The F16e is a conventional automatic fire alarm system for small to medium sized buildings. If complies with the now obsolete AS 4428.1 standard, but not the current AS 7240.2 Australian fire alarm standard.