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Messaging Interface for FireMap Graphics System

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Pertronic FireMap Messaging Interface (FIREMAP-PAGER) is a software extension that enables Pertronic FireMap® systems to automatically send email, pager, or printed messages in response to pre-determined events.

The interface may be configured with multiple messages. Each message may include any mix of pre-defined text and FireMap database field values, such as device descriptors and event types. For example, a message might say that an alarm occurred at a certain time, initiated by a smoke detector in a certain part of a facility.

Each message may be initiated by a specific event, such as an alarm or fault, from any device, zone, or fire panel. Triggering events include inputs to addressable devices such as monitor modules (note 1). The system can be configured to send multiple messages in response to a single initiating event.


  • Easy to use configuration screens
  • Flexible message editing system
  • Practically unlimited number of messages
  • Each message may be configured for email, pager, or printer
  • Used in conjunction with an external SMS interface, FireMap Messaging Interface may be configured to trigger text (SMS) messages.
  • Message Test feature allows the user to manually trigger a sample of any selected message
  • Messages are transmitted via TCP/IP (Ethernet), RS-232, or a printer port
  • Messages may be triggered by any event reported by any addressable device (note 1)
  • Automatic start-up on reboot
  • Configurable suspend period for pre-planned down-time, such as fire system testing or maintenance. FireMap Messaging Interface automatically returns to normal operation after the pre-configured suspend time period.
  • Configurable automatic retries for failed connections
  • Full control over which connections are enabled or disabled on startup
  • Simple integration with existing Pertronic FireMap® installations
  • Configuration settings may be exported, allowing an existing FIREMAP-PAGER installation to be cloned or reconstructed by importing the saved configuration settings


1. Messages are not able to be triggered by Modbus register values (NMOs).

2. FireMap Pager v3.xx is compatible only with Pertronic FireMap® v3.xx or later. For earlier versions, please contact your nearest Pertronic office.

Ordering Information

Product Code


Description: Pager Interface for FireMap Graphics System