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Category: Technical


Posted: Nov 13, 2018

An engineer from our Brisbane office recently discovered a previously unknown feature of the Pertronic F120A. The panel was intermittently reporting an earth fault.


Posted: Oct 1, 2018

Occasionally we are asked about converting between various smoke density measurement systems. This information is very hard to find. However, it is available from this website.


Posted: Aug 21, 2018

FireUtils® version 3. 0 has advanced editing tools designed to simplify the programming of F220 systems and networks. With FireUtils® v 3.


Posted: Mar 20, 2018

Graphic view of an F220 PSU Log in FireUtils®, showing system voltage (blue) and battery voltage (orange) during a power outage from 6th to 8th of December.


Posted: Nov 20, 2017

The 2015 issue of AS 1670. 1 changes the rules about occupant warning systems. That’s because AS 1670. 1:2015 section 2.


Posted: Oct 23, 2017

Pertronic 8-Spur Isolator makes it easy to upgrade from conventional to analogue addressable detectionSometimes when upgrading a fire system from conventional to analogue addressable detection it is desirable to use…


Posted: Oct 9, 2017

Pertronic F220 master-board is a drop-in replacement for the F120A masterboard. The Pertronic F220 offers a simple, cost-effective upgrade path for systems based on the Pertronic F120A.


Posted: Sep 25, 2017

Recently a Pertronic technical support engineer used FireUtils® to diagnose a configuration error in a fraction of the time it would otherwise have taken.


Posted: May 29, 2017

When configuring an analogue addressable fire alarm system, we usually start by listing the loop devices. It’s quick and easy with the FireUtils™ Device Type Selector.


Posted: May 17, 2017

Occasionally we hear about someone having issues with the Disable function in AS 7240. 2 fire indicating panels.

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