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What’s New in F220 & NET2 V6.00?


Version 6.00 of our F220 & Net2 product range introduces new networking features that save time and enhance security.

FireUtils® v6.00

FireUtils® users can now upload and download configuration files, reports, and nodal mapping objects for a complete F220/Net2 Network, or a stand-alone F220 fire panel, using a single password-protected Ethernet connection.

Users can also run the FireUtils® virtual keyboard via Ethernet. This allows a PC or laptop to emulate an F220 keyboard/display.

FireUtils® v6.00 makes it easier to roll out a Net2 Network configuration file. This may take several minutes on a very large network. The new Stage/Activate Progress screen gives a quick overview of progress.


The Stage Activate Progress screen in FireUtils® v6.00

FireMap v6.00

In addition to importing F220 panel configuration files, FireMap can now import a complete F220/Net2 Network configuration with up to 130 nodes and 130 fire panels via a single Ethernet connection. This saves time when installing FireMap on large networks.

Advanced Security

FireMap v6.00 and FireUtils® v6.00 are able to detect network configuration changes, including changes in any F220 fire panel on the network. If the configuration changes, FireMap sounds an alert and displays a warning screen, and FireUtils® displays a warning screen.

These features are designed to simplify installation. They can also detect unauthorised changes.

Please contact your nearest Pertronic office for more information about the F220/Net2 version 6.00 release.