The VES-A00-P is an aspirating smoke detector with four individually addressable inlet pipes (sectors).
Airflow from the four sectors is controlled by a valve mechanism in the inlet manifold, together with software in the VES-A00-P detector.
The VES-A00-P enables the source of smoke to be located. To achieve this, it monitors all sectors in use. If the measured smoke level in a sector is higher than the user-set alarm threshold, an alarm condition is reported for that sector. The first sector in which the smoke level exceeds the threshold is reported as the first alarm sector (FAS). If two or more sectors reach the threshold at the same time, the sector with the highest smoke concentration is designated as the First Alarm Sector (FAS). After a FAS has been identified, the VES-A00-P continues to monitor all four sectors to track fire growth and maintain full protection of the area.
The VES-A00-P provides four individually configurable alarm levels (Alert, Action, Fire 1 and Fire 2) for each sector.
The VES-A00-P incorporates VESDA Flair detection. The Flair detection chamber uses CMOS imaging, multi-directional light scattering and sophisticated algorithms for smoke detection and particle type characterisation. If the detected smoke level is greater than the set alarm thresholds it is reported as an Alert, Action, Fire1 or Fire2 alarm condition.
Alarms can be signaled via Relays and/or VESDAnet.