For the last few years, Fire Security Services Wellington branch has b…
Ormiston Town Centre is a new retail mall in southeast Auckland.
Bupa is a diverse health and care group, who have 48 care homes and 34…
Bear Cottage is a children’s hospice in Manly, on Sydney’s Northern Be…
The Christchurch Town Hall has re-opened after a three-year restoratio…
Vinegar Lane and the Cider Building occupy the former location of a DY…
Pertronic Industries has supplied the networked fire system equipment …
Completed in late 2016, One Parramatta Square is home to Western Sydne…
Two Pertronic F100A fire alarm control panels supervise fire alarm and…
A Pertronic fire detection system protects staff and equipment at Red …
There is a growing need for fire detection systems that rapidly and ac…
Like many prestigious buildings around NZ, Fonterra’s Auckland head of…