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Fire Protection in the Chatham Islands

F100A system

For the last few years, Fire Security Services Wellington branch has been doing IQP inspections in the Chathams for Moana Fisheries.

This year’s Chatham Islands excursion presented an additional challenge. FSS Wellington Branch Manager Adam Taylor and his team, were asked to install a Pertronic F100A system in a two-story house used by the Department of Conservation for staff accommodation. The installation required 13 detectors covering a single zone, with 13 evacuation devices and two manual call points.

When the job is 800 kilometres from your workshop, you need to be well-prepared. “F100A is obviously the best option for this work due to familiarity of the system for users, setup and gear, also local supplier. We put the system together at the office to ensure it works before we got to the site. We allowed for every case in terms of installation, conduit, surface work, concealed works, etc.”

Aiming to complete the job in one visit, Adam and his team organised all the equipment they thought they might need. They freighted everything over to the Chathams prior to their visit. Thanks to meticulous planning, the job went without a hitch.

Meantime, with their work finished on schedule, Adam and his team were able to hit the water for a dive and sample the local produce: blue cod, paua, and crayfish.