The Honeywell Corporation purchased Xtralis in 2016. Honeywell manufactures System Sensor detectors and FAAST aspirating detection products, while Xtralis manufacturers Vesda and OSID detectors. As a consequence of this acquisition Honeywell has reviewed their expanded aspirating detection product portfolio and decided to phase out the FAAST X-series range of detectors, manufactured in the USA, in order to concentrate future R&D and support on the more widely known Vesda brand. We have an opportunity to place final orders for FAAST X-series detectors by the end of March – if you have any projects pending that will use FAAST XS, FAAST XM, or FAAST XT detectors please place orders with us by the close of business on Wednesday 27 March so we can secure this stock for you.
The affected products are:
7100X: FAAST XS Conventional Aspirating Smoke Detector
7200BPI: FAAST XS Intelligent Aspirating Smoke Detector
8100: FAAST XM Conventional Aspirating Smoke Detector
8251BPI: FAAST XM Intelligent Aspirating Smoke Detector
9400X: FAAST XT Conventional Aspirating Smoke Detector
9251BPI: FAAST XT Intelligent Aspirating Smoke Detector
Future field replacements of FAAST X-series detectors will be managed by providing a Vesda model of equivalent performance.
Please note that the very successful FAAST LT range of aspirating detectors, sourced from Europe, will continue to be part of the Honeywell detection product range.
If you have any questions on the FAAST X-series obsolescence please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Posted in General, Tagged Aspirating Smoke Detection, FAAST,