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Tag: Aspirating Smoke Detection


Posted: Jun 4, 2020

The new VESDA-E VES aspirating smoke detector allows a single fire zone to be divided into up to four individually sampled sectors.


Posted: Jun 4, 2020

FAAST LT-200 aspirating smoke detectors have replaced the FAAST LT. The new detectors feature a specially-designed high sensitivity infrared LED detection chamber.


Posted: Jan 17, 2020

When building an aspirating detection system it is vital to design for an appropriate level of sensitivity.


Posted: Sep 4, 2019

Further to our previous announcement, we wish to provide more information regarding this important change to the Xtralis VESDA product range.


Posted: Aug 20, 2019

We have been advised that Xtralis is phasing out the VESDA Laser Plus (VLP) and the VESDA Laser Compact (VLC) aspirating smoke detectors.


Posted: Mar 26, 2019

Introduced in 2014, the European-made FAAST LT aspirating smoke detectors have been successful in a variety of projects over the past five years.


Posted: Mar 19, 2019

The Honeywell Corporation purchased Xtralis in 2016.   Honeywell manufactures System Sensor detectors and FAAST aspirating detection products, while Xtralis manufacturers Vesda and OSID detectors.


Posted: Oct 2, 2017

PipeIQ is a tool for designing FAAST aspirating smoke detection systems. Pertronic Industries recommend v 2. 5. 6 for all new FAAST designs. PipeIQ v 2. 5.


Posted: Mar 1, 2017

Pertronic Industries Limited has been reappointed as a New Zealand distributor for Xtralis fire detection products as from 1 January 2017, with our original association with Xtralis going back to…


Posted: Oct 1, 2015

The new FAAST XT and FAAST XS aspirating detectors expand the range of applications that are able to benefit from FAAST Advanced Dual-Vision sensing technology.


Posted: Oct 1, 2015

A range of sampling pipe, pipe fittings, labels and accessories for FAAST aspirating smoke detectors is now available from Pertronic Industries.